Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Joker:Origins and Story

After Heath Ledger's Performance in The Dark Knight the Joker became ever bodies favourite villain(fuck you Loki) but not everyone knows the dark and sad origins of The Clown prince of Crime

If you are reading any Batman or any Bat family comic i.e Redhood and the outlaws,Birds of prey,nightwing etc this may contain some spoilers

 Bill Finger one of the three co-creators of the joker said that the first sketch of the joker was inspired by Conrad Veidt's Performance in the movie The Man Who laughs  together with a joker card given to him by Jerry Robinson another co-founder.Gwynplaine's didn't only inspire the Jokers look but also his tragic back story.

2.The Red Hood
Often with comic book characters there many different re-imaginings to their origins but the Joker is even more complicated with no one being able to find a static story about him not even himself.When talking about his many origin stories he simply said

 "sometimes i remember it one way,sometimes another........if I'm going to have a past.I prefer it to be multiple choice"
However in 1988 Alan Moore wrote a Graphic novel Batman:The killing Joke that has widely been accepted as the jokers true back story.
Although he still remains unnamed The Joker was an engineer who quit his job at ace chemicals to become a stand-up comedian a job he is horrible at.With his wife expecting a child soon he is forced to join up with two criminals to steal from a card company next to his former place of work.
The night before the actual heist the Jokers wife dies in a car accident and though he is reluctant to join go on with the plan he is forced to go through with it.
Part of the plan involves him wear a special mask that will divert any attention from them and implicate the joker as the mastermind.

unfortunately,the security plan of the plant has changed and even includes a security guard,this leads to a gunfight where the two criminals are gunned downed and attracts the Dark knight.The scared Red Hood jumps into a vat of chemicals to escape.The chemicals bleach his skin white turns his hair green and lips red The joker also says the chemical opened his eyes to how the world really is

The best analysis of the jokers mind comes from his psychiatrist/lover/sidekick Harley Quin the Joker  creates a storm of mayhem where he is the eye of the storm and is in full control don't believe me look at the scene above from the Dark Knight where the Joker puts his own life in the hands of Harvey Dent but look at his finger its stopping the hammer of the gun even if Harvey decided to kill the joker the gun cant fire.Now,does this look like a man with a plan?
He says the reason for using the joker persona is because with comedy you can have power

"make em laugh and you have a piece of them....if you have a piece of them you  have power over them,Then you can bend them to your will.You make some bozo laugh as easy you can make them cry but you get the same result.Their attention.Suddenly,you matter your not just another itsy  ant they can step on"

4.Known Associates
Although the Joker mostly hires thugs three of his most loyal and permanent associates are Harley Quinn,former Psychiatrist at Arkham asylum who fell in loved with him and eventually took a dive in the same chemicals as the joker,and his two pet hyenas Bud and Lou.There was a villain who once claimed to be the jokers Daughter but was later revealed to be Harvey Dent's daughter,Harley Quinn however has said she does have a child with the joker who's name is Lucy she however has kept this a secret from him and the child lives with Harley's sister so she can have a normal life

5.Craziest Moments
In my opinion the Jokers Craziest moment comes from the new 52 comics where he lets the doll maker to cut off his face and he goes away for a year to plot his greatest plan he comes back knowing the identity of the whole bat family kidnaps them and threatens to cut off their faces because they are making the batman "soft"

6.Greatest Crime
 Again another personal favourite that comes from injustice the joker kills Jimmy Olsen Superman's best friend,sorry Bruce,and kidnaps a pregnant Louise Lane.He Plants the detonator to an atomic bomb in metropolis inside her heart and tricks superman using a version of scarecrows Fear toxin laced with kryptonite into killing her and ultimately destroying his own city.and if you think he did all this for the Lolz you're wrong all this was to prove to The Dark Knight that nobody is Incorruptible not even superman.

7.Joker and Batman in Love
Am sorry about that picture but i recently discovered rule 34 and had to include it some way in this.However,it is kind of true that the joker "loves" the batman If beating Jason Todd,the second Robin,to death so as to have him all to himself or the numerous threats to the catwoman aren't enough proof lets go to batman #17 the batman asks the Joker if Hes[batman] doesn't kill him because he doesn't want to be like him why hasn't he[the joker] never killed him till this day?

Its also important to know he isn't in love with Bruce Wayne but Rather the persona Batman when Bruce Wayne goes to confront the joker about a card he found inside the bat cave

"He looked right at the card...and right at me...but...but he didn't see me.He didn't see me at all.That's when i knew...knew that he didn't care about who i was beneath the mask and never would.knew that he was incapable of even broaching the idea of Bruce Wayne.It would ruin his Fun"

so think you have something to add to the story "Jack" or don't agree with anything why not drop a comment below

I like to keep things interesting. A wise man once told me that if you have to have an origin story, you're better off making it multiple choice


  1. I have such layman knowledge about this ..
    There's a lot I don't understand :|

    interesting though.. makes me wanna know..

    plus I like Harley Quinn :)

    1. Haha donrt worry thatts why i write these to guide people into the geek world
