Tuesday 23 December 2014

7 things to Consider for new Gamers and also old ones

Coming from a country where gaming is still a relatively new culture I know its hard to get into gaming since its more than just playing one game(FIFA) so here are 7 tips and tricks for anyone who might want to get into gaming.

1.Console Vs P.C
This is probably one of the most useless debate you'll hear With each fan boy claiming to be better than the other but honestly as a gamer you should know IT DOESN'T MATTER  

At the end of the day your machine of choice will depend on YOU My personal opinion would be you try both but i know not everyone can afford it so ill Try to highlight the advantage and disadvantage of each and let you decide what you'll use 

2.What Type of Game Do you want to play
Like anything else in the World Games are categorised sub categorised and sub sub categorised and with millions upon millions of Games its hard to find a game you might like 
Avoiding the obvious genres Action,sports e.t.c this are a few ways games can be categorised
  • Indie Games:Although not exactly a sub-genre this are games made by independent companies,if you are going to use a console you wont see too many of this titles because although Sony and Microsoft are trying to promote this games they are still scarce.They include the infamous Minecraft among other great games 
  • Side Scrollers:from the simple Mario its impressive to see how mostly indie developers are developing this genre they mostly involve two dimensions but with games like speed runners,Fez and other great indie tittles you'll find yourself having fun in the simplest way possible
  • First Person Games:These games show you life through the main characters eyes if you prefer to aim down a gun barrel or want to know how it feels to run away from Mount massive asylum this is your Genre.Include games like call of duty
  • Third Person Games:if you would rather see how well your character looks well then this is the game for you the camera is behind the character and includes tittles like the Grand Theft Auto Franchise 
  • Role Playing Games(R.P.Gs):Although this can be used to mean any game its mostly used to describe games where you have to make decisions for your character and Most allow you to choose your character development and customisation they include games like skyrim
  • Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games(MMORPGS):most of these games are mostly PC titles.They involve you creating a character and going online with friends(or stranger) going either head to head (PvP) or against AI.Include games like World of Warcraft and League Of Legends 
  • Strategy:If you would rather sit back and watch other people do the dirty work for you then Strategy games are for you they let you command a number of  Characters to do you bidding though be careful these games demand alot of thinking and Management skills

These aren't the only ones so look around for something you like.

3.New Games Doesn't mean Good Games
Most people will want to buy more recent games to the older ones saying they have better graphics and such but,Some companies tend to "decay" overtime *cough* ELECTRONIC ARTS *cough*  and though the games aren't exactly bad don't jump on titles because its popular 

So before you buy a game ask about it but remember its all about YOU and YOUR Preference

 4.Graphics Aren't Everything
So you bought a game or games you put it in and the first sight you see is a thing you consider either shitty graphics or it looks to "childish " or any other thing people say about games,relax.Not all games will try to have the most realistic look although a great looking game is not bad remember that unless you are playing graphic simulator 2014 Games aren't about looks but rather the actual gameplay .
So before you pop out minecraft next time or say the walking dead isn't your cup of tea give it a try first.

However,If you cant completely enjoy the game as it is meant to then join the PC gamers and you could mod your game of choice to look as good or bad as you want.

5.If At First You fail Try Try Again
Video Games are said to be one of the greatest form of entertainment in that they are the only form of entertainment that need you to understand what is going on and work hard for the next part.Games are meant to be both fun and at the same time provide a challenge.
If you want a game with no challenge I would recommend you just Flick your bean or rub one out.

6.Friends and/or Foes
Though it might be fun to kill the A.I time and time again at one point it gets repetitive so why not go online and meet random strangers or join your friends for a rampage in game
Again this is one point PC and console will differ consoles don't allow for LAN games so if you want to rub it in your friends face there and then i recommend PC

7.Its not a Competition Unless its a Competition 
Not everyone can be the best at games or anything so if you are a noob in a game take your beatings happily because games aren't about being the best but having fun so enjoy yourself as much as possible.Unless you are at MLG event dont sweat Rage Curse and do anything you want but NEVER GIVE UP 

so these are My seven if you think otherwise then drop a comment below

Arigato Rokudenashi


  1. console? Noo!! pc master race FTW!! Just kidding :-). fez was awesome btw, too bad phil quit on fez2.. bt this was a good read.. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hhahaha thanks man the support is appreciated lots of content coming soon
