Tuesday 23 December 2014

My 7 Best Indie titles of 2014

Indie Games are taking the world at storm and as the year comes to an end I Would like to appreciate
these amazing titles from this amazing indie producers

Note:This is not a countdown but rather just a list


Speedrunners is a Fast paced game that pits you and 3 other players in a side scroller race to see the last one alive.The game has been received well with Video game fans around the world Some even terming it as "....Mario Kart on foot,basically" because of its numerous power ups and a grapple hook that you can use to reach high places or pull your friend back to last place.this is a party game that even allows you to create your own levels so why not grab some friends and run like never before and if you want why not download the youtubers dlc and play as your favourite youtuber.

Steam rating 10/10
Available on:PC and Xbox


A few months back when this games demo was first suggested to me the idea of being a dolphin like animal with a horn in outer space trying to stab my fellow dolphin like animals in geometrical cage in outer space didn't exactly seem like a really exiting idea.The game describes its Game play as Just the tip *bow chika wow wow* since you control only the tip of the horn to try and penetrate your friends *bow chika wow wow*But this game is amazingly fun you can play up to four players with customizable Starwhals that can even include riders like Geoff Ramesy the voice of Griff from Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue among other noteworthy riders.

if you don't believe me the game can be played for free here


so hurry up and try it because sticking it in your friend has never been this fun *bow chika.........

Steam rating 9/10
Available on:PC


Nidhogg is one of my all time favourite games a fast-paced two player fencing tug of war kind of game that pits you against you friend.the game includes many elements from acrobatics to throwing knives to running away after you throw your sword.this game will definitely make your heart pound and make you scream in real life.
Next time your knives are getting sharpened why not bring your victim into the magic world of Nidhogg

Steam Rating:9/10
Available on:PC

4.Sports Friends

Whats better than one Indie game?How about 4 indie games!! That's if you get this game on either Playstation 3 or 4  if you get it on PC you'll have only three games.Although the game has the word Friends this is more of a friendship destroyer as you either blame your friend for failing your team or beating you.Basically the game puts you in teams of two against each other in one of the fantasy sports of either BariBaliBall a.k.a BBB,a game where you try to dunk a ball into your opponent water while platforming.Super Pole Riders a qwop like pole vaulting/sparring game.Hokra,a high velocity passing game and if you have a playstation Johann Sebastian Joust,actual sparring that demands you make your opponents move faster than you and be the last man standing

Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Playstation

5.Five Nights at Freddy's

Stay inside a security room of a pizza place till morning for five nights doesn't sound so bad unless the pizza place is Freddy FazBear's Pizza where at night the Main attraction Freddy and his robotic friends wake up and try to do horrible things to you,no not that kind.
This game is meant to scar you nothing else as it puts you in a room with cameras and very strong doors this would be great except that they run on a generator which is quickly losing power.Why this guard always goes back to work every night i don't know but maybe you can when you play it and pee on yourself

Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Ios


If you always end up with the bad controller or don't have a PC to join in on the LAN game This would be the perfect game.If one of you owns the game the rest can use anything from their phones and tablets and yes even that Piece of shit Lumia.The game gives you a question and every player gives a fake answer to it the answers are then put together and you have to find the right answer choose the wrong one and your friend earns points.

Steam rating:8/10
Available on:Anything


I know what your saying Fez didnt come out in 2014 well if you want a list of 2014 games exclusively start your own blog.I discovered this puxxle game late this year and have not regrted the hours i spent on it.Gomez is a 2d character living in a 2d world until one day he discovers the third dimmension and does what every rational person(if he can be called that) would do Go on a dangerous adventure to the end of space and time.try to see how good you are at solving 2d puzzles from not 1 not 2 not 3 and not even 5 but 4 differnt directions

 Steam rating:9/10
Available on:Pc Xbox

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