Saturday 3 January 2015

New Years Resolutions we all want to Hear

Most People probably hate the "new year new me" bullshit that other people post at the beginning of every year. Sometimes, however, we dream of waking up one day and finding that those people have promised to make change or do something we have been begging them to do. In that regard, here are some things we all wish to hear in 2015 or anytime soon.

1."We will stop all inter-gamer wars."
If you truly love gaming you know that it is about having as much fun as possible and the only actual conflict that should exist should be in game. I don't understand why some gamers find it necessary to enter a dick measuring contest over Battlefield vs. Call of Duty or Xbox vs Playstation or… the most useless one… PC vs. console.

In a world where gamers are constantly fighting to dispel various stereotypes including how gaming is childish, I find it heartbreaking to see these arguments. Let’s hope we will get to see the formation of the true master race.

2."We will release Red Dead for PC."

Personally, I don't mind Xbox and PS4 exclusives. But when there is a great game like Red Dead Redemption involved, that is where I draw the line. For months we waited for the PC release but Rockstar gave the PC community a big middle finger. Let’s hope the same doesn’t happen with GTA V after it being postponed three times L

3."We’re working on a good superman game."

If you have never played a superman game, let me try and explain how they are. Imagine your favorite-est game in the world: great graphics, controls that respond better than anything you’ve used before, enemies with the greatest A.I and a story line that keeps you on the edge of the seat. Well… Superman games are NOTHING like that! In fact, they go in the exact opposite direction. It’s as if they round up the people who are worst at their various game-dev jobs, and tell them to make the most disappointing piece of shit ever. Compared to the Batman games that are winning multiple awards we are still wondering where the Man of Steel is. If we cross our fingers, maybe the Superman v Batman hype will eventually lead to a good game.

4."Infinity Ward is back... all of it... for good."

I know normally i say that in video games everyone has freedom of choice and all but if you don't think Modern Warfare 3 was the last good Call of Duty game just kill yourself. Right now! Just die in your chair. (Equip frag… Pull pin… Wait… Die!) The Call of duty games originally gained fame when they started and that propelled them into the market. Then one day someone decide to give fucking Treyarch a chance, then we got "the numbers mason what do they mean?" 

From then on, Call of Duty was never the same. Most people attribute it to the crushing of Infinity Ward à la lawsuit issues with the founders of Infinity Ward and one of said founders leaving the company for Activison. After that, Infinity Ward was pretty much done. They merged with Neversoft together they birthed Call of Duty: Ghosts which was just a scene for scene remake of MW3. Let’s hope we will one day see a return of the good old COD games.

5."We’re getting our shit together." -Marvel

 My saddest  Marvel-related moment in 2014 has to be from x-men first class where Magneto and Quicksilver literally find out that they are father and son but they can’t say it not because it’s part of the plot but because of… RIGHTS ISSUES!! Granted, they are trying to make changes, like getting Spider-Man for Civil War. Kudos Marvel! However, there so many improvements you guys could make instead of just cranking out as many star-studded movies as possible.

6."We’re bringing back Bleach.."
Never having gotten the chance to talk anime on this blog, I’m really excited to debut with Bleach- my personal favorite of all time. So a few years back, after Ichigo finally killed Aizen we were excited about finally seeing the greatest arc in history. Unfortunately, for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, it was cancelled. So instead of a complicated explanation I’m just going to say it... Please bring Bleach back. Please.

7. "Jumper 2 baaby!"
When I watched this movie I really wanted to be able to teleport and I was really looking forward to seeing the sequels they promised us. Then i heard that Jumper 2 would be about teleporting to other planets and moving through time and then i was like “Mehhh. I’d rather not. In fact I was so disappointed that I have started a mission to make everyone NEVER want it to happen. And with that… readers... The real number 7.

7."Half-life 3!!!''
If you didn't see this one coming you probably haven't been listening to last year’s gamer woes… or those of the year before that… or the year before that. This has to be the most requested game in all of history. There are literally more conspiracy theories about the fate of this game than there about artists being in the Illuminati. It would be a sin to even make a list of games people are looking forward to in any year without mentioning Half Life 3.
To prove just how in demand this game is I have finished talking about it without even telling you why people wanted it.

So maybe you don't want anything on this list or maybe I forgot to mention something you want. Sound off in the comments.

Half life 3 confirmed  

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