After Heath Ledger's Performance in The Dark Knight the Joker became ever bodies favourite villain(fuck you Loki) but not everyone knows the dark and sad origins of The Clown prince of Crime
If you are reading any Batman or any Bat family comic i.e Redhood and the outlaws,Birds of prey,nightwing etc this may contain some spoilers
Bill Finger one of the three co-creators of the joker said that the first sketch of the joker was inspired by Conrad Veidt's Performance in the movie The Man Who laughs together with a joker card given to him by Jerry Robinson another co-founder.Gwynplaine's didn't only inspire the Jokers look but also his tragic back story.
2.The Red Hood
Often with comic book characters there many different re-imaginings to their origins but the Joker is even more complicated with no one being able to find a static story about him not even himself.When talking about his many origin stories he simply said
"sometimes i remember it one way,sometimes another........if I'm going to have a past.I prefer it to be multiple choice"
However in 1988 Alan Moore wrote a Graphic novel Batman:The killing Joke that has widely been accepted as the jokers true back story.
Although he still remains unnamed The Joker was an engineer who quit his job at ace chemicals to become a stand-up comedian a job he is horrible at.With his wife expecting a child soon he is forced to join up with two criminals to steal from a card company next to his former place of work.
The night before the actual heist the Jokers wife dies in a car accident and though he is reluctant to join go on with the plan he is forced to go through with it.
Part of the plan involves him wear a special mask that will divert any attention from them and implicate the joker as the mastermind.
unfortunately,the security plan of the plant has changed and even includes a security guard,this leads to a gunfight where the two criminals are gunned downed and attracts the Dark knight.The scared Red Hood jumps into a vat of chemicals to escape.The chemicals bleach his skin white turns his hair green and lips red The joker also says the chemical opened his eyes to how the world really is
The best analysis of the jokers mind comes from his psychiatrist/lover/sidekick Harley Quin the Joker creates a storm of mayhem where he is the eye of the storm and is in full control don't believe me look at the scene above from the Dark Knight where the Joker puts his own life in the hands of Harvey Dent but look at his finger its stopping the hammer of the gun even if Harvey decided to kill the joker the gun cant fire.Now,does this look like a man with a plan?
He says the reason for using the joker persona is because with comedy you can have power
"make em laugh and you have a piece of them....if you have a piece of them you have power over them,Then you can bend them to your will.You make some bozo laugh as easy you can make them cry but you get the same result.Their attention.Suddenly,you matter your not just another itsy ant they can step on"
4.Known Associates
Although the Joker mostly hires thugs three of his most loyal and permanent associates are Harley Quinn,former Psychiatrist at Arkham asylum who fell in loved with him and eventually took a dive in the same chemicals as the joker,and his two pet hyenas Bud and Lou.There was a villain who once claimed to be the jokers Daughter but was later revealed to be Harvey Dent's daughter,Harley Quinn however has said she does have a child with the joker who's name is Lucy she however has kept this a secret from him and the child lives with Harley's sister so she can have a normal life
5.Craziest Moments
In my opinion the Jokers Craziest moment comes from the new 52 comics where he lets the doll maker to cut off his face and he goes away for a year to plot his greatest plan he comes back knowing the identity of the whole bat family kidnaps them and threatens to cut off their faces because they are making the batman "soft"
6.Greatest Crime
Again another personal favourite that comes from injustice the joker kills Jimmy Olsen Superman's best friend,sorry Bruce,and kidnaps a pregnant Louise Lane.He Plants the detonator to an atomic bomb in metropolis inside her heart and tricks superman using a version of scarecrows Fear toxin laced with kryptonite into killing her and ultimately destroying his own city.and if you think he did all this for the Lolz you're wrong all this was to prove to The Dark Knight that nobody is Incorruptible not even superman.
7.Joker and Batman in Love
Am sorry about that picture but i recently discovered rule 34 and had to include it some way in this.However,it is kind of true that the joker "loves" the batman If beating Jason Todd,the second Robin,to death so as to have him all to himself or the numerous threats to the catwoman aren't enough proof lets go to batman #17 the batman asks the Joker if Hes[batman] doesn't kill him because he doesn't want to be like him why hasn't he[the joker] never killed him till this day?
Its also important to know he isn't in love with Bruce Wayne but Rather the persona Batman when Bruce Wayne goes to confront the joker about a card he found inside the bat cave
"He looked right at the card...and right at me...but...but he didn't see me.He didn't see me at all.That's when i knew...knew that he didn't care about who i was beneath the mask and never would.knew that he was incapable of even broaching the idea of Bruce Wayne.It would ruin his Fun"
so think you have something to add to the story "Jack" or don't agree with anything why not drop a comment below
I like to keep things interesting. A wise man once told me that if you have to have an origin story, you're better off making it multiple choice
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014
7 Theories That Will Ruin Your Favorite Childhood cartoons
If there is something I love more than Old school Cartoons Its conspiracy Theories so why not mix the two together and try and ruin your favourite childhood cartoons so here are 7 creepy-pastas I thought you guys might enjoy
Disclaimer:These aren't what the actual creators were thinking while creating the cartoons(maybe) rather this are fan made and although i claim i want to ruin your childhood my actual mission is to try and get you like
1.Johnny Bravo
One of My favourite Cartoons Co-written by Seth Macfarlane Creator of family guy it was interesting to see Johnny try and fail to always pick up girls with his Perfect hair and horrible pick up lines.There is an explanation as to why he always failed though what if we saw the show from Johnny's perspective and he wasn't really as buff and good looking as he thought.
This theory is highly plausible if you don't believe me there is an episode explaining how he got his body where he used to be very small and Full of acne he orders a get buff quick kind of deal and from then on he believes hes big and good looking but if you look at his lifestyle he has very unhealthy eating habits and is actually bearley in shape.
2.The PowerPuff Girls
Created by Professor Utonium in his lab superpowerd sisters Used there super powers to save the city of townsville from evil.Or did they? 0_0
This theory says that the whole series is about this girls over active imagination If we imagine the "accident" that created them to be an actual accident that Prevented them from being "the perfect little girls" it explains why they look different from other children in the show.
What about the villains?and didn't the mayor always call them?
Well Mojo jojo is their older brother,he was also created in the professors lab,The mayor is probably their grandfather that explains why he gave them a "special phone"to call them every time there is an "emergency". Him is said to resemble the professor so people have speculated he might be the professor's Gay brother who because of his lifestyle is considered evil and since the professor doesn't like him simply results in calling him Him.
The Amoeba boys represent them getting sick and fuzzy lumpkin is just a kranky neighbour.
3.Courage The Cowardly Dog
First of all let us all agree this cartoon was Nightmare fuel as a child esp this guy up here
Return the slab,or forever suffer my curse
Anyway no matter how much this show scared the Sweet Jesus out of all of us the show isn't actually about monsters and weird things it actually shows us life as a dog sees it.You see Courage owners,Eustace and Muriel being Old don't take courage outside out too much i mean for 90% of the show they are always sitting inside.So courage having never gone beyond the barn doesn't know about the neighbours and believes they live in the middle of nowhere.
this also explains the villains pretty normal people who to a dog who has never gone outside and is ill trained sees them as threats or why do you think his owners never mind all the danger they are in.I mean whenever courage "saved" his owner Eustace would always get mad and say
"stupid dog,you make me look bad...."
4.Spongebob Squarepants
Don't worry i Wont ruin this one for you Sponge bob is actually about a sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea......
Though the characters all do represent one of the deadly sins
Spongebob-lust:most people refuse this but lust doesn't mean sexual desire only spongebob does desire the affection of friend of foe alike and will never stop at anything to get what he wants
Patrick-sloth(lazinnes)i wont even try to explain this one I mean he won an award for doing nothing at all
Squidward-Wrath(anger)again painfully obvious this guy rages more than Michael Jones
Mr.Krabs-Greed:if the fact that he is always trying to make a plan to get profits regardless of the consequences isn't enough proof i don't know what is maybe the fact that he sung a song called "'if i could talk to money
Sandy-Pride:sandy i really proud of where she comes from and her karate and weightlifting skills she is always talking about the Greatness of Texas or ready to show off her mad skills
Gary-Gluttony:for you to really get this one you have to watch alot of spongebob to understand that Gary does two things eat and meow and he meows cause his hungry once spongebob failed to feed him and he ate the ouch he once ate a years supply of snail food in a day too.
Plankton-Envy:Again another obvious one he spends the whole series trying to steal Mr.Krabs recipe or his business hoe envious can you get
5.Ed.Edd n Eddy brrrr yah
Before i start explaining this one i would like you to know its called the Purgatory Theory so if you are a big Ed Edd n Eddy fan id advice you to just skip this one.
Still here?okay then
People believe that the cul-de-sac is actually purgatory and that all the kids are actually dead kids from different eras in time Rolph being the first one to die followed by Johnny 2 by 4 who comes from a time where owning a wooden friend is not strange Eddy died during the great depression that's why he loves money followed by Ed and Sarah who came from a time when women have just started standing up for their rights and so forth
The Kanker Sisters are Demons of Purgatory that's why they had almost supernatural powers and lived alone.
This also explains why there was never anybody else in the whole Cul-de-sac
Have you ever wondered why if the Flintstones are from the stone age then how do they know about Technology like cars and vacuums why do they celebrate Christmas if Christ was not born or how they reference things from the future I know most of you will probably shrug and say its a cartoon but there is an actually good reason to why,
The Flintstones was written during the cold war with the possibility of a nuclear war looming,i hope you've caught on by now,so the Flintstones is actually the future not only the future but a post nuclear war future.
Don't believe me lets look at another cartoon that was around at the same time the Jetsons
in the jetsons the human race lives in the sky because of the earth being too polluted.the nuclear waste was able to bring back the dinosaurs we see in the Flintstones.
Still don't believe me?then watch the Jetsons meet the Flintstones
Elroy Jetson makes a time machine to go into the future but once they turn it on guess where they find themselves,,,, bedrock
Nuff said
7.The Pixar Theory
This just goes to prove why pixar is the best company in the world over the years although they made it seem that they were making random movies they have been telling us an interesting story through all of them.Unfortunately the pixar theory is too large to explain here but ill give you enough to get you interested enough to read about it at :
Basically boo from Monster inc is the same person as the witch from brave
Th tree that is grown in Wall-e is the same one the ants live in in A bugs life
The same company that makes the toys from toy story make the spaceship in wall-e and made the oil in Cars 2
Animals are getting smarter with time even fish can read in finding nemo and rats can cook
in simple its a complex theory that you should all read
if at this point you are like
Then my job here is done if not
stupid dog....
anyway as always feedback is always highly appreciated whether positive or negative so drop a comment about your opinion
Well enough about me lets talk about me
Disclaimer:These aren't what the actual creators were thinking while creating the cartoons(maybe) rather this are fan made and although i claim i want to ruin your childhood my actual mission is to try and get you like
1.Johnny Bravo
One of My favourite Cartoons Co-written by Seth Macfarlane Creator of family guy it was interesting to see Johnny try and fail to always pick up girls with his Perfect hair and horrible pick up lines.There is an explanation as to why he always failed though what if we saw the show from Johnny's perspective and he wasn't really as buff and good looking as he thought.
This theory is highly plausible if you don't believe me there is an episode explaining how he got his body where he used to be very small and Full of acne he orders a get buff quick kind of deal and from then on he believes hes big and good looking but if you look at his lifestyle he has very unhealthy eating habits and is actually bearley in shape.
2.The PowerPuff Girls
Created by Professor Utonium in his lab superpowerd sisters Used there super powers to save the city of townsville from evil.Or did they? 0_0
This theory says that the whole series is about this girls over active imagination If we imagine the "accident" that created them to be an actual accident that Prevented them from being "the perfect little girls" it explains why they look different from other children in the show.
What about the villains?and didn't the mayor always call them?
Well Mojo jojo is their older brother,he was also created in the professors lab,The mayor is probably their grandfather that explains why he gave them a "special phone"to call them every time there is an "emergency". Him is said to resemble the professor so people have speculated he might be the professor's Gay brother who because of his lifestyle is considered evil and since the professor doesn't like him simply results in calling him Him.
The Amoeba boys represent them getting sick and fuzzy lumpkin is just a kranky neighbour.
3.Courage The Cowardly Dog
First of all let us all agree this cartoon was Nightmare fuel as a child esp this guy up here
Return the slab,or forever suffer my curse
Anyway no matter how much this show scared the Sweet Jesus out of all of us the show isn't actually about monsters and weird things it actually shows us life as a dog sees it.You see Courage owners,Eustace and Muriel being Old don't take courage outside out too much i mean for 90% of the show they are always sitting inside.So courage having never gone beyond the barn doesn't know about the neighbours and believes they live in the middle of nowhere.
this also explains the villains pretty normal people who to a dog who has never gone outside and is ill trained sees them as threats or why do you think his owners never mind all the danger they are in.I mean whenever courage "saved" his owner Eustace would always get mad and say
"stupid dog,you make me look bad...."
4.Spongebob Squarepants
Don't worry i Wont ruin this one for you Sponge bob is actually about a sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea......
Though the characters all do represent one of the deadly sins
Spongebob-lust:most people refuse this but lust doesn't mean sexual desire only spongebob does desire the affection of friend of foe alike and will never stop at anything to get what he wants
Patrick-sloth(lazinnes)i wont even try to explain this one I mean he won an award for doing nothing at all
Squidward-Wrath(anger)again painfully obvious this guy rages more than Michael Jones
Mr.Krabs-Greed:if the fact that he is always trying to make a plan to get profits regardless of the consequences isn't enough proof i don't know what is maybe the fact that he sung a song called "'if i could talk to money
Sandy-Pride:sandy i really proud of where she comes from and her karate and weightlifting skills she is always talking about the Greatness of Texas or ready to show off her mad skills
Gary-Gluttony:for you to really get this one you have to watch alot of spongebob to understand that Gary does two things eat and meow and he meows cause his hungry once spongebob failed to feed him and he ate the ouch he once ate a years supply of snail food in a day too.
Plankton-Envy:Again another obvious one he spends the whole series trying to steal Mr.Krabs recipe or his business hoe envious can you get
5.Ed.Edd n Eddy brrrr yah
Before i start explaining this one i would like you to know its called the Purgatory Theory so if you are a big Ed Edd n Eddy fan id advice you to just skip this one.
Still here?okay then
People believe that the cul-de-sac is actually purgatory and that all the kids are actually dead kids from different eras in time Rolph being the first one to die followed by Johnny 2 by 4 who comes from a time where owning a wooden friend is not strange Eddy died during the great depression that's why he loves money followed by Ed and Sarah who came from a time when women have just started standing up for their rights and so forth
The Kanker Sisters are Demons of Purgatory that's why they had almost supernatural powers and lived alone.
This also explains why there was never anybody else in the whole Cul-de-sac
Have you ever wondered why if the Flintstones are from the stone age then how do they know about Technology like cars and vacuums why do they celebrate Christmas if Christ was not born or how they reference things from the future I know most of you will probably shrug and say its a cartoon but there is an actually good reason to why,
The Flintstones was written during the cold war with the possibility of a nuclear war looming,i hope you've caught on by now,so the Flintstones is actually the future not only the future but a post nuclear war future.
Don't believe me lets look at another cartoon that was around at the same time the Jetsons
in the jetsons the human race lives in the sky because of the earth being too polluted.the nuclear waste was able to bring back the dinosaurs we see in the Flintstones.
Still don't believe me?then watch the Jetsons meet the Flintstones
Elroy Jetson makes a time machine to go into the future but once they turn it on guess where they find themselves,,,, bedrock
Nuff said
7.The Pixar Theory
This just goes to prove why pixar is the best company in the world over the years although they made it seem that they were making random movies they have been telling us an interesting story through all of them.Unfortunately the pixar theory is too large to explain here but ill give you enough to get you interested enough to read about it at :
Basically boo from Monster inc is the same person as the witch from brave
Th tree that is grown in Wall-e is the same one the ants live in in A bugs life
The same company that makes the toys from toy story make the spaceship in wall-e and made the oil in Cars 2
Animals are getting smarter with time even fish can read in finding nemo and rats can cook
in simple its a complex theory that you should all read
if at this point you are like
Then my job here is done if not
stupid dog....
anyway as always feedback is always highly appreciated whether positive or negative so drop a comment about your opinion
Well enough about me lets talk about me
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice What We wish it should be
With the long awaited movie that all of us DC fan boys have been crying for finally being announced for a 2016 launch here are a few things as fans we hope to see in the movie
also this was written after the teaser trailer was released so what we see there will be considered
Batman VS Superman
Ever since Justice league Tower of Babel where It was first known that Batman has files on how to defeat every member including his own version of kryptonite that turns superman's skin transparent people have wanted to see a battle between the two and we got it in Batman The Dark knight returns part two.Earlier on Zack Snyder said the comic would have a heavy influence on the movie and True to his words we see he will stay true to the source material of their battle.
So a few things you should know for Batman to be able to stand any chance against the man of steel he needs a few things
One of the major issues from the first superman movie was the fact that superman killed General Zod for those of you who don’t know superman has always been considered a boy scout and like his best friend the bat he doesn't kill.Superman never kills an enemy especially a fellow kryptonian in injustice he says his son would be the greatest thing since he didn’t want to be the only kryptonian around.anyway,superman always has a drastic change when he murders so to keep superman as superman this should be part of the plot unless you know they are planning to make injustice:Gods Among us.In the trailer we see flashes of Zod so lets hope its supermans guilt.
A Better Batman
Christian Bales Batman wasn't exactly bad but neither was he the true Dark knight we came to love and appreciate i mean we all know the villains are the ones who did it for the movies and lets hope his batman voice is better
Don't start too deep into the story
One thing you Probably didn't catch during the trailer (or i probably misheard) is what Bruce Shouts "You are my friend Kal I never could have done this to you..."So either Clark Changed his middle name to Kal-el or the two are friends enough for Batman to know his name.There is a style where instead of actually showing what happens before we are supposed to know what happened through the characters lets just hope this doesn't happen too much
Superman's Costume
Probably a small detail but i personally hated whatever it is superman was wearing in the man of steel movie because that is not it.i know i know am probably being ridiculous but you have to know just as Batmans Suit is dark for Stealth,Supermans costume is a symbol to the people of metropolis the red and blue suit allows all to see him and know he will protect them.
Thankfully during Henry Cavils ice bucket challenge we saw an improved one lets hope it will look as good in the movie
The worlds Smartest Man
I was hoping to see the Able bodied Lex Luthor who is able to step into his super suit and give superman a good beating a role i am sure Mark Strong would have done a thousand times better but unfortunately with Jesse Eisenberg Taking up the role lets hope we see him play the role of a super genius able to even challenge the mind of Bruce Wayne and the might of Superman.
Those are a few of the things i hope to see in the upcoming movie if you have an opinion or think otherwise drop a comment and lets talk about it
Its a Bird
Its a Plane
No its a black piece of shit
also this was written after the teaser trailer was released so what we see there will be considered
Batman VS Superman
Ever since Justice league Tower of Babel where It was first known that Batman has files on how to defeat every member including his own version of kryptonite that turns superman's skin transparent people have wanted to see a battle between the two and we got it in Batman The Dark knight returns part two.Earlier on Zack Snyder said the comic would have a heavy influence on the movie and True to his words we see he will stay true to the source material of their battle.
So a few things you should know for Batman to be able to stand any chance against the man of steel he needs a few things
- Superman cannot be at full power in the comic it was a nuclear fallout blocking the sun and from the trailer we see something similar
- Batman must have help this can be an ally or his trusty battle suit that we see in the trailer and that was in the dark knight returns
- Batman Needs "an ace in the hole" it mostly is kryptonite either red or green and although we didnt even hear mention of it in the first movie in the second one it will be part of the plot.
One of the major issues from the first superman movie was the fact that superman killed General Zod for those of you who don’t know superman has always been considered a boy scout and like his best friend the bat he doesn't kill.Superman never kills an enemy especially a fellow kryptonian in injustice he says his son would be the greatest thing since he didn’t want to be the only kryptonian around.anyway,superman always has a drastic change when he murders so to keep superman as superman this should be part of the plot unless you know they are planning to make injustice:Gods Among us.In the trailer we see flashes of Zod so lets hope its supermans guilt.
A Better Batman
Christian Bales Batman wasn't exactly bad but neither was he the true Dark knight we came to love and appreciate i mean we all know the villains are the ones who did it for the movies and lets hope his batman voice is better
Don't start too deep into the story
One thing you Probably didn't catch during the trailer (or i probably misheard) is what Bruce Shouts "You are my friend Kal I never could have done this to you..."So either Clark Changed his middle name to Kal-el or the two are friends enough for Batman to know his name.There is a style where instead of actually showing what happens before we are supposed to know what happened through the characters lets just hope this doesn't happen too much
Superman's Costume
Probably a small detail but i personally hated whatever it is superman was wearing in the man of steel movie because that is not it.i know i know am probably being ridiculous but you have to know just as Batmans Suit is dark for Stealth,Supermans costume is a symbol to the people of metropolis the red and blue suit allows all to see him and know he will protect them.
Thankfully during Henry Cavils ice bucket challenge we saw an improved one lets hope it will look as good in the movie
The worlds Smartest Man
I was hoping to see the Able bodied Lex Luthor who is able to step into his super suit and give superman a good beating a role i am sure Mark Strong would have done a thousand times better but unfortunately with Jesse Eisenberg Taking up the role lets hope we see him play the role of a super genius able to even challenge the mind of Bruce Wayne and the might of Superman.
Those are a few of the things i hope to see in the upcoming movie if you have an opinion or think otherwise drop a comment and lets talk about it
Its a Bird
Its a Plane
No its a black piece of shit
My 7 Best Indie titles of 2014
Indie Games are taking the world at storm and as the year comes to an end I Would like to appreciate
these amazing titles from this amazing indie producers
Note:This is not a countdown but rather just a list
Speedrunners is a Fast paced game that pits you and 3 other players in a side scroller race to see the last one alive.The game has been received well with Video game fans around the world Some even terming it as "....Mario Kart on foot,basically" because of its numerous power ups and a grapple hook that you can use to reach high places or pull your friend back to last place.this is a party game that even allows you to create your own levels so why not grab some friends and run like never before and if you want why not download the youtubers dlc and play as your favourite youtuber.
Steam rating 10/10
Available on:PC and Xbox
A few months back when this games demo was first suggested to me the idea of being a dolphin like animal with a horn in outer space trying to stab my fellow dolphin like animals in geometrical cage in outer space didn't exactly seem like a really exiting idea.The game describes its Game play as Just the tip *bow chika wow wow* since you control only the tip of the horn to try and penetrate your friends *bow chika wow wow*But this game is amazingly fun you can play up to four players with customizable Starwhals that can even include riders like Geoff Ramesy the voice of Griff from Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue among other noteworthy riders.
if you don't believe me the game can be played for free here
so hurry up and try it because sticking it in your friend has never been this fun *bow chika.........
Steam rating 9/10
Available on:PC
Nidhogg is one of my all time favourite games a fast-paced two player fencing tug of war kind of game that pits you against you friend.the game includes many elements from acrobatics to throwing knives to running away after you throw your sword.this game will definitely make your heart pound and make you scream in real life.
Next time your knives are getting sharpened why not bring your victim into the magic world of Nidhogg
Steam Rating:9/10
Available on:PC
4.Sports Friends
Whats better than one Indie game?How about 4 indie games!! That's if you get this game on either Playstation 3 or 4 if you get it on PC you'll have only three games.Although the game has the word Friends this is more of a friendship destroyer as you either blame your friend for failing your team or beating you.Basically the game puts you in teams of two against each other in one of the fantasy sports of either BariBaliBall a.k.a BBB,a game where you try to dunk a ball into your opponent water while platforming.Super Pole Riders a qwop like pole vaulting/sparring game.Hokra,a high velocity passing game and if you have a playstation Johann Sebastian Joust,actual sparring that demands you make your opponents move faster than you and be the last man standing
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Playstation
5.Five Nights at Freddy's
Stay inside a security room of a pizza place till morning for five nights doesn't sound so bad unless the pizza place is Freddy FazBear's Pizza where at night the Main attraction Freddy and his robotic friends wake up and try to do horrible things to you,no not that kind.
This game is meant to scar you nothing else as it puts you in a room with cameras and very strong doors this would be great except that they run on a generator which is quickly losing power.Why this guard always goes back to work every night i don't know but maybe you can when you play it and pee on yourself
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Ios
If you always end up with the bad controller or don't have a PC to join in on the LAN game This would be the perfect game.If one of you owns the game the rest can use anything from their phones and tablets and yes even that Piece of shit Lumia.The game gives you a question and every player gives a fake answer to it the answers are then put together and you have to find the right answer choose the wrong one and your friend earns points.
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:Anything
I know what your saying Fez didnt come out in 2014 well if you want a list of 2014 games exclusively start your own blog.I discovered this puxxle game late this year and have not regrted the hours i spent on it.Gomez is a 2d character living in a 2d world until one day he discovers the third dimmension and does what every rational person(if he can be called that) would do Go on a dangerous adventure to the end of space and time.try to see how good you are at solving 2d puzzles from not 1 not 2 not 3 and not even 5 but 4 differnt directions
Steam rating:9/10
Available on:Pc Xbox
these amazing titles from this amazing indie producers
Note:This is not a countdown but rather just a list
Speedrunners is a Fast paced game that pits you and 3 other players in a side scroller race to see the last one alive.The game has been received well with Video game fans around the world Some even terming it as "....Mario Kart on foot,basically" because of its numerous power ups and a grapple hook that you can use to reach high places or pull your friend back to last place.this is a party game that even allows you to create your own levels so why not grab some friends and run like never before and if you want why not download the youtubers dlc and play as your favourite youtuber.
Steam rating 10/10
Available on:PC and Xbox
A few months back when this games demo was first suggested to me the idea of being a dolphin like animal with a horn in outer space trying to stab my fellow dolphin like animals in geometrical cage in outer space didn't exactly seem like a really exiting idea.The game describes its Game play as Just the tip *bow chika wow wow* since you control only the tip of the horn to try and penetrate your friends *bow chika wow wow*But this game is amazingly fun you can play up to four players with customizable Starwhals that can even include riders like Geoff Ramesy the voice of Griff from Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue among other noteworthy riders.
if you don't believe me the game can be played for free here
so hurry up and try it because sticking it in your friend has never been this fun *bow chika.........
Steam rating 9/10
Available on:PC
Nidhogg is one of my all time favourite games a fast-paced two player fencing tug of war kind of game that pits you against you friend.the game includes many elements from acrobatics to throwing knives to running away after you throw your sword.this game will definitely make your heart pound and make you scream in real life.
Next time your knives are getting sharpened why not bring your victim into the magic world of Nidhogg
Steam Rating:9/10
Available on:PC
4.Sports Friends
Whats better than one Indie game?How about 4 indie games!! That's if you get this game on either Playstation 3 or 4 if you get it on PC you'll have only three games.Although the game has the word Friends this is more of a friendship destroyer as you either blame your friend for failing your team or beating you.Basically the game puts you in teams of two against each other in one of the fantasy sports of either BariBaliBall a.k.a BBB,a game where you try to dunk a ball into your opponent water while platforming.Super Pole Riders a qwop like pole vaulting/sparring game.Hokra,a high velocity passing game and if you have a playstation Johann Sebastian Joust,actual sparring that demands you make your opponents move faster than you and be the last man standing
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Playstation
5.Five Nights at Freddy's
Stay inside a security room of a pizza place till morning for five nights doesn't sound so bad unless the pizza place is Freddy FazBear's Pizza where at night the Main attraction Freddy and his robotic friends wake up and try to do horrible things to you,no not that kind.
This game is meant to scar you nothing else as it puts you in a room with cameras and very strong doors this would be great except that they run on a generator which is quickly losing power.Why this guard always goes back to work every night i don't know but maybe you can when you play it and pee on yourself
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:PC and Ios
If you always end up with the bad controller or don't have a PC to join in on the LAN game This would be the perfect game.If one of you owns the game the rest can use anything from their phones and tablets and yes even that Piece of shit Lumia.The game gives you a question and every player gives a fake answer to it the answers are then put together and you have to find the right answer choose the wrong one and your friend earns points.
Steam rating:8/10
Available on:Anything
I know what your saying Fez didnt come out in 2014 well if you want a list of 2014 games exclusively start your own blog.I discovered this puxxle game late this year and have not regrted the hours i spent on it.Gomez is a 2d character living in a 2d world until one day he discovers the third dimmension and does what every rational person(if he can be called that) would do Go on a dangerous adventure to the end of space and time.try to see how good you are at solving 2d puzzles from not 1 not 2 not 3 and not even 5 but 4 differnt directions
Steam rating:9/10
Available on:Pc Xbox
7 things to Consider for new Gamers and also old ones
Coming from a country where gaming is still a relatively new culture I know its hard to get into gaming since its more than just playing one game(FIFA) so here are 7 tips and tricks for anyone who might want to get into gaming.
1.Console Vs P.C
This is probably one of the most useless debate you'll hear With each fan boy claiming to be better than the other but honestly as a gamer you should know IT DOESN'T MATTER
At the end of the day your machine of choice will depend on YOU My personal opinion would be you try both but i know not everyone can afford it so ill Try to highlight the advantage and disadvantage of each and let you decide what you'll use
2.What Type of Game Do you want to play
Like anything else in the World Games are categorised sub categorised and sub sub categorised and with millions upon millions of Games its hard to find a game you might like
Avoiding the obvious genres Action,sports e.t.c this are a few ways games can be categorised
- Indie Games:Although not exactly a sub-genre this are games made by independent companies,if you are going to use a console you wont see too many of this titles because although Sony and Microsoft are trying to promote this games they are still scarce.They include the infamous Minecraft among other great games
- Side Scrollers:from the simple Mario its impressive to see how mostly indie developers are developing this genre they mostly involve two dimensions but with games like speed runners,Fez and other great indie tittles you'll find yourself having fun in the simplest way possible
- First Person Games:These games show you life through the main characters eyes if you prefer to aim down a gun barrel or want to know how it feels to run away from Mount massive asylum this is your Genre.Include games like call of duty
- Third Person Games:if you would rather see how well your character looks well then this is the game for you the camera is behind the character and includes tittles like the Grand Theft Auto Franchise
- Role Playing Games(R.P.Gs):Although this can be used to mean any game its mostly used to describe games where you have to make decisions for your character and Most allow you to choose your character development and customisation they include games like skyrim
- Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games(MMORPGS):most of these games are mostly PC titles.They involve you creating a character and going online with friends(or stranger) going either head to head (PvP) or against AI.Include games like World of Warcraft and League Of Legends
- Strategy:If you would rather sit back and watch other people do the dirty work for you then Strategy games are for you they let you command a number of Characters to do you bidding though be careful these games demand alot of thinking and Management skills
These aren't the only ones so look around for something you like.
3.New Games Doesn't mean Good Games
Most people will want to buy more recent games to the older ones saying they have better graphics and such but,Some companies tend to "decay" overtime *cough* ELECTRONIC ARTS *cough* and though the games aren't exactly bad don't jump on titles because its popular
So before you buy a game ask about it but remember its all about YOU and YOUR Preference
4.Graphics Aren't Everything
So you bought a game or games you put it in and the first sight you see is a thing you consider either shitty graphics or it looks to "childish " or any other thing people say about games,relax.Not all games will try to have the most realistic look although a great looking game is not bad remember that unless you are playing graphic simulator 2014 Games aren't about looks but rather the actual gameplay .
So before you pop out minecraft next time or say the walking dead isn't your cup of tea give it a try first.
However,If you cant completely enjoy the game as it is meant to then join the PC gamers and you could mod your game of choice to look as good or bad as you want.
5.If At First You fail Try Try Again
Video Games are said to be one of the greatest form of entertainment in that they are the only form of entertainment that need you to understand what is going on and work hard for the next part.Games are meant to be both fun and at the same time provide a challenge.
If you want a game with no challenge I would recommend you just Flick your bean or rub one out.
6.Friends and/or Foes
Though it might be fun to kill the A.I time and time again at one point it gets repetitive so why not go online and meet random strangers or join your friends for a rampage in game
Again this is one point PC and console will differ consoles don't allow for LAN games so if you want to rub it in your friends face there and then i recommend PC
7.Its not a Competition Unless its a Competition
Not everyone can be the best at games or anything so if you are a noob in a game take your beatings happily because games aren't about being the best but having fun so enjoy yourself as much as possible.Unless you are at MLG event dont sweat Rage Curse and do anything you want but NEVER GIVE UP
so these are My seven if you think otherwise then drop a comment below
Arigato Rokudenashi
Sunday, 21 December 2014
7 Comics for Beginners
Have You suddenly found yourself wanting to join the List of fan-boys that seem to know all about the marvel and DC universe or just find the interest growing inside you but you don't know where to start?
Well here,in no particular order,are 8 comics That literally anyone can pick up and read:
If you are going to be serious about comics Alan Moore is a name you'll probably hear being thrown around and this is one of his greatest work.Watchmen is set in the 1980's in alternate reality that closely resembles our own except that in this one there exist super humans.The story Starts after Edward Blake A.k.a the comedian dies this leads Rorschach,a masked vigilante to believe there is a killer coming for Superheroes and leads him on a search for the killer.
Watchmen is for more mature audiences and offers a darker take on the superhero of the things that stands out in watchmen is the god like Dr.Manhattan and its interesting to be able to see life through the eyes of a person who know both the future and past at the same time .Most people probably remember watchmen because of its film which is one of the only movie comics to stay true to its source material so once you finish reading it why not go and rent the greatest epic ever.

NO of issues:12
Follow up reading:Before watchmen

Reverend Jesse Custer's life takes a turn when his church blows up his congregation dies and he is the last one left alive,he is found by his ex-girlfriend the now hit(wo)man Tulip O'hare and the vampire Cassidy.Jesse learns that in heaven n angel and demon have conceived a "child" ,Genesis,a soul with no sense of individual will but composed of pure goodness and evil so that it might be close to the power of God.Due to the existence of genesis God has left heaven and this leads Jesse Custer now bonded with the soul of Genesis and has the word of God,a power that anyone who hears his words will do as he says.

He sets out on a mission to find God and force him to answer for His creation.The story is full of Plot twists and you'll be on the edge of your seat as the three travel in America battling everything from Murders,a secret organisation,the Saint of killers(a man whose heart was cold enough to freeze over hell), a dude called arseface and at one point even God himself

Amc has also announced a series mid 2015 with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
No of issues:66
Follow up reading:Preacher Cassidy blood and Whiskey
Preacher one mans war
Preacher Saint of killers 1-4
Preacher Tall in the saddle
Preacher The good old boys
Preacher The story of You-know-who

Join every ones favourite caped crusader The Batman as he faces one of his most Dangerous foe The court of owls.
The story begins when Bruce Wayne is attacked by a masked assassin who claims to be The Talon,an assassin from a nursery rhyme that talks about a court that controls Gotham from the shadows.
Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed.
Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head.
The Talon claims not only being responsible for the Murder of the bats Parents but also other several Waynes.The Court pushes Bruce to the wall taking away the Batman's greatest advantage they know Gotham more than him.

The Court of Owls Will also help Introduce the rest of the bat family including batman and Talia's son Damian Wayne,current Robin, the birds of prey and even Arsenal(the red Arrow/speedy)
No of issues:7
Follow up reading: Batman Night of owls

Irredeemable is Personally one of my all time favourite comic of all time am even Afraid of Ruining it for you by Giving a synopsis.Anyway in Irredeemable the plutonian the worlds greatest hero Suddenly start a murderous reign which starts with him lobotomizing his Sidekick and killing his teammate.The Paradigm his former Superpowered allies try to find a way to stop the plutonian while dealing with their own Problems of betrayal and hopelessness
So Pick up Irredeemable to see a variety of new abilities amazing characters and one of the best artwork.
No of issues:37
Follow up reading:incorruptible

SPOILER ALERT The U.N demands that i put that there cause the relaunched guardians of the galaxy can provide an insight to the ongoing guardians of the galaxy movies.Anyway The story tells the story of Peter Quill Aka Starlord the son of Spartax King J-son,who along with rest of the Galactic empires leaders i.e The kree,Asgard,Shi'ra,The brood,The Badoon and the Negative zone, all agree that if the Earth is to develop and be able to grow to a point that it can join the galactic Empire it should not be interfered with.So a law is made no one is to step on earth soil.
Peter Quill knows this might tempt some empires to attack the now defenceless earth and his suspicion is confirmed when he finds Legendary avenger fighting the badoon from invading earth
Pick up this great read to know what will happen to earth the guardians and join Tony stark learn more about the marvel cosmic universe
No of issues:20(as of December 2014)..Ongoing
Follow up read:the upcoming issues

When Ironman Mr.Fantastic Dr.strange and Blackbot decide that the Hulk is too dangerous for Earth they trick him into a spaceship but it passes through a wormhole and he lands on the planet Sakaar where he is weakened and forced to fight in the Red Arena as a gladiator.
This story line also leads to one of the greatest story-line "WORLD WAR HULK" where the hulk returns to Earth to exact his Vengeance on those responsible

NO of issues:Planet hulk:18
world war hulk:6
Follow up read:Planet hulk:xmen
World war hulk Aftermath

An old comic but still another masterpiece from Alan Moore.The year is 1898, and Mina Murray is recruited by Campion Bond on behalf of British Intelligence and asked to assemble a league of other extraordinary individuals to protect the interests of the Empire: Captain Nemo, Allan Quatermain, Dr. Jekyll and Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man.They are tasked to stop the gang war between Fu Manchu and Sherlock holmes Archrival Professor Moriarty
The character are so amazing they are included in the events that take place in H.G Wells War of the worlds.There is also that great movie about it that you ll hate if you read the comics

NO of issue:15 + 2 graphic novels
Follow up read:Just read anything with the name Alan Moore
Sooo yeah thank you for reading and if you think any should be added or removed from the list please do
And on the 7th post he rested
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