Saturday, 18 April 2015

7 Hardest Hitters in the Kenyan Geek industries

As a person who is very hard to please I’m not easily impressed by most industries even the gaming and comic industry

The Curious Shoe:Then if you don’t like them why do you have a whole blog dedicated to them o_0?

Because I still love the medium. However, once in a while there a few companies/individuals who even I can’t deny have done a good job. So today we take a moment to appreciate these few individuals who are not complete Muppets and are hard at work making the greatest country in the world (lol) a powerhouse in the gaming industry.(For links click the logos)

1. Chief Nyamweya- Illustrator, author & Producer.

Co-founder of the Tsunami Studios Ltd and head Honcho at Emergency web comics the chief has gained fame for his success in the critically acclaimed comics that tell the story of the Mau-Mau Uprising. A self-made man whose only passion is Creating “Not just art but creations of all sorts…”.He is also creator of the noir comic “Roba”. The prolific writer also likes sharing his art on his Facebook so if you want a benchmark of his skill why not check it out. Or you could as well read the newest installment to the emergency series.

2. ScrinArts Studios- game development studio

Founded by one Kennedy Okiya this group has been promising us big things for years, teasing us with their two top projects LUR and Zombie Apocalypse.  Although the small team has been facing an array of challenges in terms of development of their game that has led to them not to be able to finish any of their games in their desired timeline, they have officially released a statement saying that their making drastic changes in their development team. Don’t however misinterpret this as a failure on their part because the quality of games they are aiming at and showcased at conventions are something worth waiting years for. Don’t believe me why not check out their booth this Naiccon and tell me otherwise.

3. Movie Jabber – Movies (duh!), fun and excitement

One of the most famous if not the most famous group known they deliver everything they promise: movies and jabber about movies (mixed in with a dash of fun and a side of excitement). Starting off with a mission to revamp and nurture the Kenyan film entertainment scene they have become a brand with their YouTube channel raking in new subscribers every day and their website growing even more with ever increasing content. I have no shame saying since I tend to stick to games and comics this is my one stop source for everything movies so why not give them a look.

4. Gaming for Kenya (G4k) – Entertainment service

First I have to say this was a really tough decision to make with groups like Game Over, KGN and more I felt kind of bad not giving you guys a shout out so…Shout out to you guys. Popularly known as G4k this Mish-Mash of geeks, nerds, gamers, Youtubers, bloggers, enthusiasts and straight-out weirdoes is single handedly leading this new cultural wave with each member bring in something new to the table every minute. With a vision to build and re-invent the gaming industry in kenya they are currently one of the friendliest gaming communities providing help through any medium possible. They also own the gaming news and lifestyle blog Sourc3Machin3 which is updated periodically by Editors and game lovers James Karanu, Oliver Holding and Gathemia Michael.

5. The Naiccon Team –Everything they’ve done

I always feel like a sellout when I see something done by this team reason being they are the few people who are doing all this for the people. They are people that took the first step into making this the best event in world getting partnership with companies to attend the event and much more in fact what are you doing reading this show them respect and go get ready for the next one.

6. PBE Productions ltd- artist and artist

If you know this great man you probably either know him for his great head-bobbin’, toe-tappin’ thought provocative music or you know of his great art in his comic Home guard or his collaborator work with Dj Nruff. Mr. Emmanuel “Point Blank Evumbi” Nyakwada considers himself a patron of the arts in every sense of the word. Having had a hand in many projects including the infamous Tinga Tinga tales we know this dog is not all bark.Apart from all his contribution to the comic industry he is also a very prolific MC, so if you miss him at this year’s Naiccon feel free to check out one of the many jamborees he’s at every weekend.

7. All Kenyan gamers- Not being complete Muppets

    To say the truth I had this at the end of the list in case I got too lazy to find a suitable number seven but then the more I thought about it the more I realized this was the perfect number seven. Why? Because all the top six mean nothing without the gamers (not even me) but luckily we can always depend on the Kenyan gamer never to let us down. They will clamor into gaming joints every day, visit ihub to make downloads, network with people  and do everything in their power including spending their last hard coin on games. Also no matter what we do at the end of the day everyone is an end user thus a member of this group so thank you for making the industry what it is.

Also I’m planning to start interviews with some of these individuals so as to get more information and clarifications about them and their works so keep an eye out for them starting very soon and comment who you want me to start with.

It g ma. It g ma, Uri ga Ichiba

7 EXTREMELY Easy costumes ideas

With the most anticipated event in the East and central African -and probably also north and western Africa- gaming scene coming up in less than a week one word is on the lips of every gamer in town. Costumes! Yes the time has come ladies and gentlemen for the geeks and nerds to have an excuse to don the attires of their favorite fictional characters as they convene to heaven on earth for one day. With the grapevine buzzing this year with big things coming from local companies like ScrinArts studios, PBE Productions, Kenya Noir Studios Ltd and more you will be a fool to miss out in this year’s edition. If however you “never knew when it was”(translation: you’re  just a lazy bum) or you didn’t have the time  then you probably have no costume then worry not for here are 7 easy and cool costumes you could put together with little or no effort.

Disclaimer: this list should not be taken too seriously if you want very legit costume try Birdie Costumes 

Professor Chaos- South Park stick of truth

Napoleon more commonly known as Butters is one of the greatest characters in south Park history. Originally brought on to replace Kenny he made such a name for himself that he gave himself another name, Professor Chaos. The get up is probably one of the easiest with drapes being used as his cloak and foil for helmets and gloves. If you want to recreate this costume authentically you might use foil but if you’re one of those people that care about opinions why not experiment with more sturdy materials.

Carl Johnson – Grand theft Auto San Andreas

One of the most iconic characters with one of the simplest laid back attire; white vest and blue jeans. And since San Andreas allowed you to change your body type there is no “right body type”.  You don’t have to stick to San andreas since all the other GTA protagonist have signature attires that I’m sure you can get at any shop.

Wizards- Various

Whether its inspired by Dumbledore Gandalf or any other of the generic RPG brands wizards are kind of easy to dress up as (Note this is a lazy man’s instructions so if you expect me to tell you how to dress exactly lie Dumbledore you’re in the wrong place Buddy) all you need is a staff and a robe you can also add a beard if you wish. Personally I trust my skills enough to sew a piece of material to look like a robe but if you can’t tailors and materials are cheap and readily available.

Two face Harvey- Batman

The only costume in the list that might need you to put on make-up if you want to get that 100% authentic feel however if you don’t just get a suit and make the left half to look tattered (extra points if you actually burn it). If destroying a perfectly good suit isn’t something in you agenda you can always put on a bow-tie and carry an umbrella and Rambo-bambo-boom your Oswald Cobble pot.

The First Spiderman costume- Spider-man (movies)

We all dream of dressing up one day as the Spiderman but unfortunately not all of us have the resources or right looks to rock a blue and red spandex costume. Fortunately Spiderman is always making an earlier version of his suit for us fashion conscious geeks. The choice of which one to use is up to you but the easier one would be the Andrew griffin one: casual clothes and a mask made from a cheap red material and old Sunglasses. 

Storm- X-MEN

Let me just say personally I will feel particularly bad if there will be no Storm costume for every Naiccon or Kenyan costume based event I mean in the marvel universe she is the Queen of Kenya. Queen. We should appreciate her more or we might get Askari the spear instead. In fact if I didn’t have a personal Vendetta against weaves I would have gotten a white one added bit of materials to a black top and leggings and voila, Storm.  

An extra- [any movie/game/comic of your choice]

This ladies and gentlemen has to be the most lackluster costume idea I have ever gotten in history. It’s so lazy I feel it should definitely be considered a life hack. Just put on random clothes and tell everybody you are that guy in the background in that movie. Or you could borrow your friend’s clothes and go as him or her.

I feel like at this point I should apologies to all my female readers that there isn’t enough costumes for you guys but next time this list will definitely feature more for you.  Anyway those are my easy costumes if you have any more why not share them in the comments

It g ma.